I was tasked with developing "Ducks Win" motion graphics for the Oregon Softball social media accounts. My idea was to use high-quality action photo sequences from a Nike uniform shoot that lead into dynamic transitions that convey the idea that they are scoring the winning point.
I collaborated with Mark Nelson on the first motion graphic. I put it together by editing the images in Lightroom, importing the sequence into After Effects, and color correcting the final section. Mark helped with the text placement and timing of the sequence. This motion graphic currently has over 95k views, 1500 likes, and 153 retweets on Twitter.
I collaborated with Mo Karim on the second version of the "Ducks Win" motion graphic. This version was closer to what I was originally imagining. He used a zoom preset for the transition and used visuals from a previous graphic. I put together the photo sequence and provided input. This specific motion graphic currently has over 116k views on Twitter.